Our imagery - Liquid Galaxy project web site new design - Contributor Yash Raj Bharti

Our imagery

Liquid Galaxy project logo

Logo of the GCIers team, winner from the 2020 contest

Our new mascot: Mr. Worldwide
designed by Google Code-in 2019-2020 student Kahy

snapshot by student Alvyyyyyy y

snapshots by student Merul

2D version by student Kewbish

Liquid Galaxy for Education logo

Student Yuhan, GCI 2018

Liquid Galaxy Wallpapers

Student v0ster, GCI 2018

Student Blas, GCI 2018

Studen Azhar, GCI 2018

Student Zoom, GCI 2018


Student Pau
Student shreya3745

Our Team

Great people make great work. Meet the team.


We are proud to work with some of the best partners.