Liquid Galaxy Voice Control - Liquid Galaxy project web site new design - Contributor Yash Raj Bharti

Liquid Galaxy Voice Control

The goal of this project is to integrate Google Assistant with Liquid Galaxy enabling seamless and intuitive control of Liquid Galaxy by simply using voice.

Logo Design by Sofia Lu Xia

Code Branches
The 2017 Google Code-in Winners, Tarun Ravi and Omshi Samal, have developed two unique branches, with the same underlining core. At the start, Dialog Flow captures the user’s phrase and populates the Firebase database with the keywords from the phrase. Next, a script is run on Linux (usually Ubuntu LTE) which reads from the Firebase database and executes the command to Liquid Galaxy. The difference between the two branches occurs with the Script which reads the Firebase Database on Linux. Tarun Ravi’s branch uses a Bash Script, while Omshi Samal’s uses Python and Javascript to read from the database. Regardless, both branches accomplish the same task.

We thank the collaboration from the design studio at Stimulo for helping us designing a modern clean housing for the AIY Voice Kit from Google, which will contain the hardware of the Google Assistant. The printable versions will be released for everyone who wishes to 3D print it.

Version 0.1

The project was developed with the efforts of 2017 Google Code-in Winners, Tarun Ravi and Omshi Samal under the coordination of Deniz Yüksel, and the Liquid Galaxy community through GitHub.
Liquid Galaxy students from the Facens University, Sorocaba, Brazil, are also developing a similar stack.

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