GSOC 2015: GEOGRAPHY QUIZ - Liquid Galaxy project web site new design - Contributor Yash Raj Bharti


GSOC 2015 project proposal
Marc Gonzalez, Liquid Galaxy LAB, Spain
Geography Quiz

Project description

The main idea of this project is to develop a real use case like a game to be used in the Liquid Galaxy platform. Could be possible to create a geography quiz game to be used in the primary or high schools, and also in all liquid galaxy around the world with schools or general visits.

In the Galaxy rig will appear a city, but too close (just enough close to be difficult to detect the correct city) to the point of view, at the same time in the touchscreen panel will appear the
different options with the names of possibly cities that the user must choose with a time bar.

In the following images should be possible to view and approach way to show the information in the touchscreen. In the image 1 will see the different games that the user can choose to play, maybe some configuration settings should be able to be displayed to the user or a ranking with the high scores.

Should be interesting to developed this platform with modules, giving to the “manager” the possibility to add new features, new games, change the questions, etc.

Image1. Touchscreen Menu

The main idea of the detail view will be to show as better as possible the different elements that appear in a game, like the number of actual question and total, the score, the different options to choose, a timebar, etc

Image2. Detail Game

Meanwhile the time is running out, the image in the galaxy rig will be moving away to give to the user more information about the country. At the same time, if the user leaves too much time to answer the question he/she will win less points.

The full playability will be elaborated if I go for GSoC.

To develop this project should be great to present it inside the CS4HS Google program but the deadline is on 20th February so it will be impossible to sign in inside the program. Anyway, maybe next year should be possible to sign in.

Also will be develop a tool to create all the content, like managing the different questions, games, typologies, etc.

Linked technologies

To develop this project I propose to use the basic web languages to develop the interface that will be used to interact with the galaxy system.

On the other hand, to develop the communication with the galaxy could be possible to use the Interactive Spaces activities that I developed in my last project the last year.

I’m wondering if should be possible to use DART or Polymer language because that seems a good language to develop web apps.

Possible languages:
  • HTML5
  • PHP
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • DART? Polymer?
  • Interactive Spaces?
  • ??

Values for Liquid Galaxy community

  • The creation of a game based to be used in a LG system. That can be used in every Liquid Galaxy, maybe focused in education places or museums.

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