PROYECTO LAB: PULGA (PORTABLE USB LIQUID GALAXY) - Liquid Galaxy project web site new design - Contributor Yash Raj Bharti


The "PULGA, Portable USB Liquid GAlaxy" project is the 2013 End of Career project for the computing degree of Sergi Buitrago, a University of Lleida Engineering School (EPS) alumni.

It consist on a bootable USB based Linux distro for schools and telecentres to run a Liquid Galaxy in a snap at a cero cost.

The PULGA project will be developed together with several educational and administrative institutions, who will give us acces to his computer classrooms for analysis and testing, and will help us define the use cases as a teaching tool for the Liquid Galaxy in schools and computing training.

- Departament d'Ensenyament, Delegació de Lleida.
- Institut Caparrella.
- IES Lladonosa.
- IES Mollerussa.

- Universitat de Lleida, Escola Politècnica Superior.

- Xarxa de Telecentres, Ajuntament de Lleida

- Parc Científic i Tecnològic de Lleida

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