Some personal posts about Google Code-in 2018 students experience in the Liquid Galaxy project - Liquid Galaxy project web site new design - Contributor Yash Raj Bharti

Some personal posts about Google Code-in 2018 students experience in the Liquid Galaxy project

Amazing 5 laptops Liquid Galaxy made by student Avinash

In the following URLs you'll find posts with some of the Google Code-in 2018 contest students work.
Students have written those posts and sent the photos, giving us permissions to publish them.
They are anonymous in the sense that we do not publish their authentic names, but his nicknames on the contest, and no personal data is shown, taking care of his privacy being minors.

Post order is alphabetical, not related to the contest final winners, and the ones that students have sent us voluntarily for publishing:

Student Avinash

Student Captain Nemo

Student Arnav Aggarwal

Student Krzystof

Student Pau

Student Sachin

Student Sahanj

Student Somya

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