Student Captain Nemo and his experience in Google Code-in 2018 - Liquid Galaxy project web site new design - Contributor Yash Raj Bharti

Student Captain Nemo and his experience in Google Code-in 2018

Notice about minors permission: Students have written those posts and sent the photos, and give permission to us to publish them. Still they are anonymous in the sense that we do not publish their authentic names, but his nicknames on the contest.
Captain Nemo

GCI 2018’s been a great opportunity to improve my skills. It’s not just a competition, it’s a place where you can meet new members like you around the world through IRC chats, and it’s a place which teaches you to solve problems in various ways.
I took Liquid Galaxy as my main organization because the tasks are competitive and are related to my Computer Science Academics. I got to learn various types of tasks, it include code, documentation, research and design, and allover I did all type of tasks with the help of mentors.
Talking about mentors, they are AWESOME! They helped me through the contest and always guided how to improve me and my skills. Mentors are a blessing for me of LG organization.
Okay, now I have said about my experience let’s talk about some of my favorite tasks in GCI:
- 1. VIT: Very Important Task for us: Design a logo for our LG application HAPIS Designing a logo HAPIS was a fun task for me, it helped me to know various way to edit my images. HAPIS goal is to help people. Imagine that many homeless and low incoming people have trouble to get his daily food, clothes or a job. Now, with the Liquid Galaxy project and our new application HAPIS, users could locate these persons, see their life stories and help them.
- 2. Translate the LG website to Spanish  Well this task took a little bit of time as I have to translate the whole Liquid Galaxy Website from English to Spanish. It was fun and I did it. I faced a problem but the mentors were always there to back me up. So cheers for that
- 3. Design a new homepage for LG website  Well well well…..this task was one of my favorite task as I have to use html in it. I had to make a creative homepage including the contents which are in the original homepage.
- 4. Calculate the distance between 2 coordinates In this task, I had to capture coordinates from Google Earth in an XML file that will be used as POIs in the user interfaces, like the Android tablet application we have to control the Liquid Galaxy. Then I had to think how to calculate the distance between the 2 POIs. In this task I used Python to ace it.
- 5. Point Of Interest of World Heritage Sites  I have done few more tasks related to POIs. In this task, I had to capture coordinates from Google Earth in an XML file that will be POIs in the user interfaces, like the Android tablet application we have to control the Liquid Galaxy.
- 6. Everyone Read: Will you be the honored one? According to the task description LG is going to start a new website LiquidGalaxy.EU which is only to help people and what I have to do is design a logo for the new website. It took a time to think of a new design as it was an important task. But at the end I did it and it turned out to be great for me.

Well these are some of my favorite task. At last I want to thanks mentors for being with me all the time and to help me improve well….And also a great thanks to Google to conduct this marvelous organization

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