Coding internship: Óscar Palacín - Liquid Galaxy project web site new design - Contributor Yash Raj Bharti

Coding internship: Óscar Palacín

I am Óscar Palacín Domínguez, final year student of the Electronic and Industrial Automatic Engineering course at Escola Politècnica Superior (EPS) of the Universitat de Lleida (UdL). 

During my stay in the labs I’ve been participating in different projects and initiatives, like Ponent Exploration & Research in Aerospace (P.E.R.A.) and Internet of Espadrilles (IoE).

I have had the pleasure to meet two great men and also great professionals, Ótavio and Matheus, whom have teach and help me, when I have had any problem. We have formed “The Three Electronic Musketeers Alliance”. 

Personally I have contributed with the labs:

  • Develop a wireless weather station.
We developed a wireless weather station. The hardware that we have used is: Arduino UNO, as the master; Lolin D1 Mini Pro, as the slave and the WiFi emissor; weather meters, that includes an anemometer, a wind vane and a rain gauge; and finally the “Temperature sensor v1.2” shield, that it gets the temperature. 
Finally we use the Blynk - IoT Platform to receive the data that the Wifi module have sent.

  • Transformation of a cadastre machine to an arcade machine.

We have transformed a cadastre machine that Andreu gets, to an arcade machine. We reuse the machine skeleton, the general switch, the screen and the audio system.
To achieve the functionality we had to add: Raspberry Pi, PC board, two RAM’s, HDMI switch, power supply and the arcade machine controls, and also the wiring.

  • Firsts steps of the “CHZT-1” project of the P.E.R.A. initiative.

 We have designed the launcher base of the water rocket with AutoCAD program. Also, we have wrote the components list for the project, these includes the materials for the main structure of the rocket: water bottles, fiberglass for the reinforcements of the bottles, etc; and the components for the launcher structure and the air/water power supply.

Now, that I’m almost done my practices I would like to sum up all the acquired knowledges I’ve been gained during this period. I have been introduced into the “Laboral” world, I have met great professionals of the Technologic sector, I have improved my coding skills and I have learnt how to implement theoretical solutions into the real world.

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