The GCiers podcast starts the Season 2, and our beloved team is back ! - Liquid Galaxy project web site new design - Contributor Yash Raj Bharti

The GCiers podcast starts the Season 2, and our beloved team is back !

The Liquid Galaxy community podcast, GCiers, is back on the 2nd season, with our beloved team of Emilie, Merul, Janiru and Jan, next to me, Andreu.

We talk about : What the Summer Research School is, and what I did there this past summer project on probabilistic primality testing What primality testing is My comparisons My proposed algorithm Overall impressions What is Hacktoberfest Why developers participate in hacktoberfest My experience participating hacktoberfest Benefits and prizes What is it how it can never replace actual programmers why it is bad for FOSS in general stealing/plagiarizing code What happened this past september? (foto apple sensacionalista ;)) (apple-iphone-software.jpg) Why was the vulnerability so controversial? What is a 0-day exploit? What is a 0-Click exploit? How did the exploit work? What parts of the phone could it affect? Who may have been behind the attack? NSO GROUP (vlcsnap-2021-07-17-01h43m14s030-1-1024x576.jpeg) Since when was the vulnerability discovered? What can we learn from this? What can we do in the future to avoid this? GSoC 2021 projects mentor experience merul general overview me, andreu gsoc summit approaching nov 5, upcoming news for gsoc 2022 And the Netflix show: Billion Dollar Code, about Google Earth and possible plagiarism.

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