Coding internships: Yash Raj Bharti - Liquid Galaxy project web site new design - Contributor Yash Raj Bharti

Coding internships: Yash Raj Bharti

Hi, I am Yash Raj Bharti, an AR/VR enthusiast who loves to code 3D visualizations. This summer has been incredible with Liquid Galaxy, where I developed the La Palma Volcano Eruption Tracking Tool.

La Palma Volcano Eruption Tracking Tool is an app built on the Flutter framework that allows the Visualization of various Tracks. We visualize the Historic Track, Lava Flow, Affected Areas, Pre-historic, Landscape, Sulphur Dioxide Emissions, Situation, and Located Events for La Palmas onto the Liquid Galaxy.

The project presents multiple layers of information on the events that occurred in the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in La Palma during the fall of 2021.

We can present data such as the evolution of lava flows and many more graphically and interactively on the Liquid Galaxy platform, a visualization cluster based on Google Earth.

Further customizations are possible with the help of the Custom Builder, which has an interactive UX where the user can check the data he wants and visualize the Custom KML by providing start and end dates with the help of a calendar widget.

The Map screen UI is a perfect interaction tool for the panoramic display of Google Earth with the help of Google Maps, and it allows us to control the LG and send Orbit movements and various other controls.

The app shows essential information about the La Palma Volcanic activity in an elegant and user-friendly way.

It supports 10 Languages: Arabic, German, English, Spanish, Hindi, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Albanian, and Chinese (Simplified).

The app comes in both day and night modes, and one can "tour" the app to get familiar with all the features.

Available on the Play Store

Lastly, the app has an info tab that lists helpful information along with the sources so that one can use this app for research and education purposes.

My Experience with Liquid Galaxy has been excellent. I learned a lot, especially about how important it is to document the work and have proper documentation for all necessary commands, as it comes in handy from time to time. Finally, interactiveness was vital in making this fantastic La Palma VolTrac app.

I am glad to meet such wonderful people at Liquid Galaxy who helped and supported me, without which this would not have been possible.

They helped me through the recorded videos and meets which gave me the right direction to successfully complete this project.

I thank Liquid Galaxy Org Admin Andreu, My mentor for this project, Ivan Josa Llovera, and Liquid Galaxy Lab Support Pau Francino.

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